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What is Embodiment?

What is Embodiment?

"Embodiment is the practice of attending to your sensations. Awareness of your body serves as a guiding compass to help you feel more in charge of the course of your life. Somatic awareness provides a foundation for empathy, helps you make healthy decisions, and gives important feedback about your relationships with others. Embodiment in somatic psychology applies mindfulness and movement practices to awaken body awareness as a tool for healing." -Dr. Arielle Schwartz

When I first learned of somatic movement in 2014, I did not want to touch it. In my head-centric ways, I was focused on "moving on" from my past using both spiritual and mental bypassing. When I would meditate, I would initially ground my energy into the earth. But I also loved to explore the universe and astral realms. In yoga classes, I would grunt through the class, always self-conscious. I compared myself to the most flexible yogis in the room. I heavily identified with my inflated animus. At the time, feeling into the body felt very uncomfortable and unknown, so I didn't want to go there.

The Path of Individuation: Understanding Carl Jung's Model of the Psyche

The Path of Individuation: Understanding Carl Jung's Model of the Psyche

Have you ever felt like there is something missing in your life, like you're not quite living up to your full potential or purpose? If so, you're not alone. Many of us feel this way at some point in our lives. Carl Jung, a renowned Swiss psychologist, believed that the path to living a fulfilling and meaningful life is through the process of individuation.

Individuation is the journey of becoming your true self. It's a process of self-discovery, growth, and transformation that leads to a deep sense of inner peace and fulfillment. It's the process of integrating all aspects of yourself, both the light and the dark, into a cohesive whole.

Archetypes: Unveiling the Mystic and Significance

Archetypes: Unveiling the Mystic and Significance

Carl Jung once said, "The primordial image, or archetype, is a figure--be it a daemon, a human being, or a process--that constantly recurs in the course of history and appears wherever creative fantasy is freely expressed. Essentially, therefore, it is a mythological figure..." These archetypal images are symbols, motifs, and universal patterns that are buried deep in our collective unconscious and our primal nature. They have been present since the beginning of human history and can be found in religion, business, myths, and in the timeless characters we love.

Understanding archetypes and their significance can give us a better insight into our internal conflicts, the role society plays in our lives, and how we can use them to create meaningful change. Archetypes help us to understand ourselves and others, giving us a framework to work with in our everyday lives.

The Power of Synchronicity: How to Embrace Meaningful Coincidences in Your Life

The Power of Synchronicity: How to Embrace Meaningful Coincidences in Your Life

Have you ever experienced a moment where you randomly bumped into an old friend you were just thinking about? Or received a phone call from someone you were just thinking of calling? These types of events are often called coincidences or synchronicities, and they can have a profound impact on our lives.

Synchronicity is a concept that was first introduced by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. He defined it as a meaningful coincidence that occurs without any apparent cause. Essentially, it's when two or more events happen in a way that seems to defy the laws of probability and suggests a deeper connection.

What Do Dreams Mean and the Symbols in them?

What Do Dreams Mean and the Symbols in them?

Symbols can be found everywhere in movies, books, and in our dreams. I have been following Jared Chan's video on Carl Jung's nine rules of dream interpretation, which have helped me to understand my unconscious realm better. These rules are not dogmatic, but flexible, and have been helpful clues in understanding the symbols within my dreams.

One of the most crucial rules is to take dreams seriously and as fact. We must not dismiss them as meaningless or try to impose our own interpretations on them. It is also essential to establish the context of the dream by keeping close to the dream images and to take a dream series over a single dream. By tracking your dreams in a journal over a period, you will notice common themes and symbols. Still, it's crucial to remain open to constructing new dream theories and to consider new information and knowledge.

Understanding Shadow Projection: How Our Unconscious Beliefs Shape Our Perception of Others

Understanding Shadow Projection: How Our Unconscious Beliefs Shape Our Perception of Others

Projection is a complex psychological phenomenon that occurs when we unconsciously attribute to others the qualities or traits that we cannot or do not want to recognize in ourselves. This can happen in many areas of our lives, such as in our personal relationships, at work, in our communities, and even in our political views.

For example, if someone has an unconscious fear of being abandoned, they may project this fear onto their partner and perceive them as distant or uncaring, even if their partner is not behaving in that way. In reality, the person is projecting their own fear of abandonment onto their partner, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflict in the relationship.

Responding to Big Emotions in times of Uncertainty

Responding to Big Emotions in times of Uncertainty

After three months of social media detox, I am back. It's been over a week, and I have to admit, old patterns are making their way back into my life.

Last night, I awoke at 2 am. Staring at the ceiling, wide awake, I get up and grab my phone and turn on the internet. Two hours later, after lurking on Reddit and reading articles and comments on COVID-19, at 4 am, I consciously realize I impulsively broke one of my social media rules from my social detox. The practice is simple, no phone or internet from 7 pm - 7 am.