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7 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Purpose

 7 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Purpose

There are so many reasons why it’s important to have a purpose. However, most people have never considered what their purpose is. It can be challenging to establish your purpose if you seem to spend all of your energy just surviving your day-to-day life. However, knowing your purpose can make life a lot easier! It’s worth taking the time to discover your purpose and to build your life around that purpose.

5 Ways for You to Overcome Jealousy and Possessiveness

5 Ways for You to Overcome Jealousy and Possessiveness

Have you ever found yourself battling feelings of jealousy and possessiveness?

These are the two major factors for the destruction of romantic relationships, however, being aware of your behaviors and making the decision to change is half the battle!

After that, practicing the strategies below can rid you of these negative feelings so you can enjoy healthy relationships.

5 Strategies to Overcome Regret in Relationships

 5 Strategies to Overcome Regret in Relationships

Regret can suffocate and hurt your relationships. It can make you question your status and make you wish for something else. Rather than allowing regret to grow and cause damage, it's smart to become aware of it, change it, and eliminate it.

You have the power within you to eliminate regret from your relationships.

Consider these strategies:

1. Avoid ignoring regret.

What Are The Akashic Records And What Can I Expect In An Akashic Records Reading?

What Are The Akashic Records And What Can I Expect In An Akashic Records Reading?

The Akashic Records are often referred to as the "Book of Life" or the cloud database of all human activity throughout the course of time. It holds human knowledge and wisdom. When one accesses the Akashic Records, they pull information from the 5th or 7th dimension, depending on the type of information they are seeking. The Soul Realignment reading, for instance, provides information from the 5th dimension, where the soul and karmic records are stored. The Manifesting Blueprint, on the other hand, provides information from the 7th dimension, where the divine soul blueprints are stored. These dimensions are not physical places in our current reality but are etheric realms.

The Akashic Records are not intended to pass judgment or label experiences as good or bad. Instead, they provide a deeper understanding of what has been and what needs to be cleared. They hold the information to our unique soul blueprints, which helps us become more in touch with our divine flow. Edgar Cayce, a Christian Mystic, and Rudolf Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy, are known to have used the Akashic Records in their work.

5 Ways to Find Strength Within and Move on after a Breakup

5 Ways to Find Strength Within and Move on after a Breakup

It's perfectly understandable if your recent break up is really taking an emotional toll on you. So much negative energy takes center stage in our lives after a breakup and it can be very difficult to overcome it. However, the good news is there are ways to use your inner strength to help in the healing process so you can move on.

Of course, it sounds much easier than it is, but what's important is taking the healing process in stages and only move on to the next stage when you're absolutely ready.

Become a Scientist of Life and Discover What Works for You (in 8 Steps)

Become a Scientist of Life and Discover What Works for You (in 8 Steps)

A good scientist wants to know the truth. They aren’t concerned with their ego. You can be a scientist of life. It’s your job to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

Fortunately, there are books available on nearly every subject written by experts. However, these just provide a starting point. It’s up to you to see if the information and advice of the experts actually works for you.

Once you know what works for you, life becomes much easier!

Inner Strength is Within Your Grasp, 9 Techniques that Work

Inner Strength is Within Your Grasp, 9 Techniques that Work

Not many people are as emotionally strong as they’d like to be. Our inner strength is frequently the limiting factor in our lives. If we were just a little tougher mentally, we’d be willing to try more, and we’d accomplish more.

Inner strength makes molehills out of mountains. Every obstacle is less likely to be insurmountable if you possess a high degree of inner strength.

It’s not necessary to be born mentally tough. You can develop this quality in yourself.

What is Akashic Astrology? Beginners Guide

What is Akashic Astrology? Beginners Guide

Imagine having a roadmap for your life that not only tells you where you're going but also helps you navigate the bumps and obstacles along the way. That's precisely what Akashic Astrology provides. It's a unique blend of two ancient modalities that have been used for centuries to gain insight into ourselves and our place in the universe.

The Akashic Records, also known as the "Book of Life," is like a cosmic supercomputer that stores information about our past lives, ancestral lineage, and unconscious memories that may be holding us back. It's like having a giant library of all the experiences, thoughts, and emotions that have ever existed, and we can access it through a spiritual practice.

The Secret to Growth: Become More Coachable

The Secret to Growth:  Become More Coachable

Finding a competent and compatible coach is only half the battle. It’s also important to develop your own coachability.

If you’re like most professionals, you probably want to succeed, but you may resist coaching for reasons that you’re not even aware of. However, you can develop skills and qualities that will prepare you to accept guidance and act on it.

Learn how to become more coachable. Use this checklist to find the areas you need to work on so you can have a successful relationship with your coach.

Raising Your Standards is the Key to Personal Progress

Raising Your Standards is the Key to Personal Progress

If you’re not as successful as you’d like to be, your standards are probably too low. If being 20 pounds (ca. 9 kg) overweight is acceptable to you, you’re probably 20 pounds (ca. 9 kg) overweight. If living in your mom’s basement is okay with you, then you’ll likely be down there until you’re 40. Most people believe they’re being reasonable, or non-selfish when they set low standards. But you get what you tolerate in life. Having high standards is a way of respecting yourself and getting the most out of your life. Life will rarely give you more than you demand from it. Ensure you’re demanding enough.

How Does Astrology Work? Beginners Guide

How Does Astrology Work? Beginners Guide

Astrology is a fascinating and complex study that has been around for thousands of years. It's the study of the cosmic forces such as stars and planets and their impact on human lives. Astrology is not just a tool for predicting the future, but it's also a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

Your birth chart is a map of the planets' positions at the exact moment of your birth. It can provide insights into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life path. The positions of the planets and stars at the time of your birth can also influence your upbringing, romantic relationships, and opportunities and challenges you may face.

The Power of a Visualization

The Power of a Visualization

Do you feel that you lack discipline and grit? It’s more likely you’re suffering from a lack of motivation.

When you don’t have a vision for the future that excites and motivates you, it’s very challenging to keep putting in the time and effort necessary to accomplish a big goal. Without a compelling future, each step forward can feel like torture.

You can create a highway to your dreams by having a clear and compelling outcome in mind. Whenever your motivation is lagging, you can return to that pictur

9 Steps to Build a Wonderful Life

9 Steps to Build a Wonderful Life

Of course, you want to have a wonderful life, but maybe you’re not sure how to make it happen. It’s not easy to admit that your life isn’t everything you’d like it to be.

A wonderful life will be different for everyone. Your vision of a perfect life will be different from someone else’s.

Avoid chasing after someone else’s dreams. Too many people are worried about being impressive rather than being happy.

Personal Growth in 7 Steps

Personal Growth in 7 Steps

Personal growth can help you make your life more enjoyable and fulfilling. However, if you’re broke, overweight, don’t have many friends, and lack goals, where do you begin? The key to beginning a personal growth journey is setting your priorities. There’s a lot you can do in five years, but you can’t do a whole lot in five months.

Your Top 5 Excuses For Not Going After Your Dreams

Your Top 5 Excuses For Not Going After Your Dreams

What are you waiting for?

You have plans and aspirations that you've been putting off for years.

We're great at putting things off and convincing ourselves that we'll get them done someday soon.

Eventually, we all run out of somedays and our options become more limited. If you're not enthusiastically pursuing your goals, there's a reason. And it might not be the reason you think. Most excuses are actually a form of fear camouflaged as another challenge.

Embodying The Hero Archetype: Exploring Our Inner Potential

Embodying The Hero Archetype: Exploring Our Inner Potential

The Hero starts as an adolescent or youth. They have little idea of what the world has to offer outside of their mundane existence. The journey the Hero takes is a coming to age tale. The Hero moves from one stage of development to the next.

The Hero may have some skills and qualities that we see early on in the story that they cultivate and nurture throughout the story. In many ways, this archetype helps us understand our own transition from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. The whole reason we cheer for the Hero is that there is nothing more compelling than to watch the flowering of human potential on a deeper level.

The Hero represents the growth and potential of every single human on this planet. The Hero is the masculine version, and the Heroine is the female version of this archetype. No matter what gender we identify with, we embody both masculine and feminine within.

Hero’s are strong and have a focused purpose. While they may be scared of something, they ultimately know, the only way out is through whatever obstacle crosses their path. They are sensitive to injustice and the mistreatment of others. They are protective of their past and have trouble being vulnerable. When they become vulnerable and face their demons, they can unpeel the layers of fear and resent the past for new challenges and experiences.

The biggest fear for the Hero is that they not complete their mission and let everyone down.

The shadow of the Hero is that they may be self-centered, which can lead them to sacrifice others who are there to help them on their journey. The Hero may feel they are superior to others and drive those who want to help away. The Hero might feel alone and sink into depression. They may ignore their call to action and never start their real mission. Ignoring the call can lead to getting caught up in a fantasy and other escapist behaviors.

The Power of the Caregiver Archetype: Nurturing and Supporting Others

The Power of the Caregiver Archetype: Nurturing and Supporting Others

Step into the world of the Caregiver Archetype, where compassion and service to others reign supreme. This archetype is the epitome of selflessness, nurturing and caring for others with unwavering dedication. Think Mary Poppins or Princess Diana - two women who embodied this archetype and left an indelible mark on the world.

At the core of the Caregiver is a deep desire to serve others, to be the custodian of life and death, and to support individuals through the highs and lows of life's journey. The Caregiver leads with their heart and advocates for those who cannot speak for themselves, such as the sick, the young, and the elderly.

The mother is often the initial embodiment of the Caregiver, giving up her identity and body to create and care for new life. This archetype plays a crucial role in human growth and potential, ensuring that the young are nurtured and supported during their formative years.

The Rebel Archetype: Understanding the Maverick's Shadow and the Balanced Rebel

The Rebel Archetype: Understanding the Maverick's Shadow and the Balanced Rebel

Have you ever been called a troublemaker or a misfit? Do you question authority and challenge the status quo? If so, you may resonate with The Rebel Archetype, whose motto is "rules are meant to be broken."

The Rebel is often found on the front lines of significant movements, inspiring us with their courage and willingness to challenge convention and structure. From Martin Luther King Jr. to Malala Yousafzai, The Rebel has been instrumental in bringing about change in human rights, legislation, and business.

But The Rebel can also be frustrating to those who are comfortable with the status quo, causing friction and even confusion as they challenge established norms. Their message may be valid, but their defiant nature can make it difficult to decipher their true intentions.

Unveiling the Artisan of the Shadow: Understanding the Jester Archetype

Unveiling the Artisan of the Shadow: Understanding the Jester Archetype

Have you ever been to a comedy show and felt the room fill with contagious laughter, leaving some folks moved so much they are in tears? This is the power of the Jester Archetype. While many may write off the Jester as a fool, this is a grave mistake. They are masters of unveiling the deepest, darkest corners of the collective unconscious through their gestures.

The Jester is an artisan of the shadow, showing us what needs to be explored and healed. They command the stage, allowing their audience to release frustration, anger, snap out of depression, and enjoy the present moment. In this place of vulnerability, they plant seeds of awareness that the thinking mind does not automatically reject because it is all in fun, right?