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What is Akashic Astrology? Beginners Guide

Imagine having a roadmap for your life that not only tells you where you're going but also helps you navigate the bumps and obstacles along the way. That's precisely what Akashic Astrology provides. It's a unique blend of two ancient modalities that have been used for centuries to gain insight into ourselves and our place in the universe.

The Akashic Records, also known as the "Book of Life," is like a cosmic supercomputer that stores information about our past lives, ancestral lineage, and unconscious memories that may be holding us back. It's like having a giant library of all the experiences, thoughts, and emotions that have ever existed, and we can access it through a spiritual practice.

Astrology, on the other hand, is the study of how the positions of the celestial bodies at the time of our birth impact us. By looking at the placement of the planets, stars, and other celestial objects, astrologers can gain insights into our personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as the challenges and opportunities that may come our way.

But what makes Akashic Astrology so powerful is the way these two modalities work together. Astrology gives us a general roadmap of what to expect on our journey, but the Akashic Records allow us to dive deeper into the unconscious aspects of ourselves that we may not even be aware of. This is where we can uncover the blocks and restrictions that are holding us back and find ways to overcome them.

Of course, these modalities are not rooted in science, and they cannot be verified through the scientific method. But that doesn't mean they're not valuable. In fact, many people have found tremendous insights and healing through working with these modalities.

Personally, I've found that incorporating journaling into my Akashic Astrology practice has been incredibly helpful. It allows me to reflect on my experiences, track my progress, and gain deeper insights into myself.

Ultimately, the beauty of Akashic Astrology is that it's not something to be believed blindly. Instead, it's a tool for exploration and self-discovery. So, if you're curious about it, why not give it a try and see what insights it may have to offer?

Contemplate while Readings the Akashic Records or Astrology Reports:

  • When reflecting on the Akashic Records or Astrology Reports, how does the information presented align with my innermost truths?

  • As I dive deeper into the reading, which aspects do I find to be out of sync with my beliefs and experiences?

  • Could it be possible that the parts that do not resonate with me are simply parts of myself that I have yet to uncover or accept?

  • In observing those around me, do I see the same traits and characteristics that are being revealed in my reading?

  • If the information presented in my reading is indeed true, what implications does this hold for my life and my journey?

  • Conversely, if the information presented is not true, what does this mean for my personal beliefs and understanding of the world?

  • Which specific parts of the reading resonate most strongly with me, and why do they hold such significance?

  • As I consider my current path and life goals, how does the information presented in my reading align with my desires and aspirations?

Akashic Astrology is more than just a passive reading, it is an interactive and dynamic experience that serves as a compass to be carefully examined. While it may provide glimpses into potential future outcomes, it is crucial that we establish a daily practice and set clear goals to fully realize our highest potentials.

What specific inquiries or curiosities do you have regarding the practice of Akashic Astrology?

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