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Motivation to Thrive

5 Ways to Make Life More Interesting

5  Ways to Make Life More Interesting

It’s helpful to view life as just a series of tests to be solved. Some of these tests were created by your own choices. Others are the result of randomness.

Either way, the test still has to be taken and passed. It might be a test of your cleverness. Another day, it might be a test of your perseverance. This viewpoint makes life a little more interesting and less threatening.

If you pass the test, great. If you don’t pass the test, that’s fine too. Failing a test highlights what you need to learn to advance further in life.

7 Things Mentally Strong People Avoid Doing

 7 Things Mentally Strong People Avoid Doing

Just as some people are destined to be physically strong, it’s probably fair to say that some people are naturally mentally strong. However, even if you’re not one of those fortunate people, you can certainly learn to be much mentally stronger than you’ve been demonstrating.

Good mental habits and a positive view of life allow mental strength to develop. You can become much stronger than you think you can.

7 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Purpose

 7 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Purpose

There are so many reasons why it’s important to have a purpose. However, most people have never considered what their purpose is. It can be challenging to establish your purpose if you seem to spend all of your energy just surviving your day-to-day life. However, knowing your purpose can make life a lot easier! It’s worth taking the time to discover your purpose and to build your life around that purpose.

Become a Scientist of Life and Discover What Works for You (in 8 Steps)

Become a Scientist of Life and Discover What Works for You (in 8 Steps)

A good scientist wants to know the truth. They aren’t concerned with their ego. You can be a scientist of life. It’s your job to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

Fortunately, there are books available on nearly every subject written by experts. However, these just provide a starting point. It’s up to you to see if the information and advice of the experts actually works for you.

Once you know what works for you, life becomes much easier!

Inner Strength is Within Your Grasp, 9 Techniques that Work

Inner Strength is Within Your Grasp, 9 Techniques that Work

Not many people are as emotionally strong as they’d like to be. Our inner strength is frequently the limiting factor in our lives. If we were just a little tougher mentally, we’d be willing to try more, and we’d accomplish more.

Inner strength makes molehills out of mountains. Every obstacle is less likely to be insurmountable if you possess a high degree of inner strength.

It’s not necessary to be born mentally tough. You can develop this quality in yourself.

The Secret to Growth: Become More Coachable

The Secret to Growth:  Become More Coachable

Finding a competent and compatible coach is only half the battle. It’s also important to develop your own coachability.

If you’re like most professionals, you probably want to succeed, but you may resist coaching for reasons that you’re not even aware of. However, you can develop skills and qualities that will prepare you to accept guidance and act on it.

Learn how to become more coachable. Use this checklist to find the areas you need to work on so you can have a successful relationship with your coach.

Raising Your Standards is the Key to Personal Progress

Raising Your Standards is the Key to Personal Progress

If you’re not as successful as you’d like to be, your standards are probably too low. If being 20 pounds (ca. 9 kg) overweight is acceptable to you, you’re probably 20 pounds (ca. 9 kg) overweight. If living in your mom’s basement is okay with you, then you’ll likely be down there until you’re 40. Most people believe they’re being reasonable, or non-selfish when they set low standards. But you get what you tolerate in life. Having high standards is a way of respecting yourself and getting the most out of your life. Life will rarely give you more than you demand from it. Ensure you’re demanding enough.

9 Steps to Build a Wonderful Life

9 Steps to Build a Wonderful Life

Of course, you want to have a wonderful life, but maybe you’re not sure how to make it happen. It’s not easy to admit that your life isn’t everything you’d like it to be.

A wonderful life will be different for everyone. Your vision of a perfect life will be different from someone else’s.

Avoid chasing after someone else’s dreams. Too many people are worried about being impressive rather than being happy.

Personal Growth in 7 Steps

Personal Growth in 7 Steps

Personal growth can help you make your life more enjoyable and fulfilling. However, if you’re broke, overweight, don’t have many friends, and lack goals, where do you begin? The key to beginning a personal growth journey is setting your priorities. There’s a lot you can do in five years, but you can’t do a whole lot in five months.

Your Top 5 Excuses For Not Going After Your Dreams

Your Top 5 Excuses For Not Going After Your Dreams

What are you waiting for?

You have plans and aspirations that you've been putting off for years.

We're great at putting things off and convincing ourselves that we'll get them done someday soon.

Eventually, we all run out of somedays and our options become more limited. If you're not enthusiastically pursuing your goals, there's a reason. And it might not be the reason you think. Most excuses are actually a form of fear camouflaged as another challenge.