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How You Can Reach Your Relationship Goals Faster

How You Can Reach Your Relationship Goals Faster

Everyone has goals that they would like to achieve. Your goals help to keep you moving forward, even when you're uncertain or down about something. Focusing on your goals gives you purpose and enjoyment in life.

With that in mind, it's valuable to remember that not all goals have to be about work or money. There are plenty of goals that have to do with hobbies, travel, relationships, and other areas of life. The truth is, relationships are an often-overlooked key ingredient to an overall life of joy.

What Kind of Relationship Goals Do You Have?

Scheduling a New Rhythm in Chaos: Part 1

Friday, March 27: Day 11 of San Francisco Quarantine

Alright, I will admit it. When I first began writing my quarantine blog, the first post, I wanted to share how to build a schedule. I fought the impulse for many reasons, but the most significant was when a massive shift happens in our lives, it's essential to take time and process what is happening. Now that we are eleven days in, it feels more appropriate to share this valuable tool. I am happy I decided to wait because I needed yo slow down, take a break and process the gravity of our current situation.

Before, COVID-19, my husband and I had a steady schedule, with clear goals and benchmarks. In March, as quarantine became eminent, we quickly realized our planned timeline was in jeopardy. As drastic changes started to reveal itself, we began making changes and amendments to our original plan. It was clear, this was no time to fight against what was happening, but practice adaptability.

With these changes, new circumstances meant shifts in roles and responsibilities. Our planned timeline accelerated in some areas and slowed down in others. Based on information available in our city, we are looking to be in quarantine by at least by May 1.

I now feel ready to revise my old schedule. You might be in a similar space. If so, please feel free to use my template below to get started. Today, we will focus on the building blocks of putting together a schedule. Monday, I will share the process of making the schedule, with proven scientific insights that produce results.


Step 1: Written, Digital, or Both?

This choice is based on preference. I prefer to have two versions of a schedule: one online and one on paper. I organize my thoughts using Evernote, and then put it in a calendar I got from our roofing company at the beginning of the year. If I didn't receive this calendar, I most likely would have printed out.

Step 2: Considerations:

Length of Schedule: New schedule for at least a full month and four days, with the potential to last longer.

How do I want to break up the day?

  • Twelve working hours - Includes rituals, meals, workouts, and all the stuff that needs to happen.

  • Twelve hours for sleep and downtime - 8-9 hours of sleep, rest is unstructured

  • Morning Schedule: from 7:00 am - 11:59 am

  • Afternoon: Noon - 6:59 pm

  • Evening: 7 pm - Sleep Time

  • Sleep Cycle

Are there unstructured days? Weekends. It's Family time, but will also add in any deep cleaning that needs to happen.

Who else is affected by the schedule? Husband and Son's schedule

What is my circadian rhythm? Wake up around 5 am - 7 am, Sleep around 9-11 pm.

Step 2: What am I trying to get out of my schedule?

What is my focus for the next month?

  • Self Care: Take care of my health and well being

  • Family: Support my family and their goals

  • Support Clients, while providing for my family

What are the tasks assigned to my focus?

  • Daily Rituals, and utilizing food as medicine

  • Time to spend quality time as a family

  • Fun exploratory exercises for Ali

  • Calls with clients

  • Writing

  • Begin prepping for #100dayproject

Over the weekend, I will be crafting a schedule, planning for the next month, and in between having downtime to be and relax.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. Stay healthy and Safe.