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What is The Collective Shadow

"None of us stands outside humanity's black collective shadow," said Carl Jung.

These words ring true even today, as we continue to grapple with the deeply ingrained societal issues that plague us. We live in a world where it's all too easy to take sides, to see things in black and white, to label people as "us" or "them." But this divisive mindset only serves to further fuel the collective shadow that looms over us all.

The individual shadow, as we have previously discussed, is the repressed parts of our own selves. But what many fail to realize is that this individual shadow is but a small part of a larger, collective shadow that encompasses our entire society. This shadow is made up of the suppressed and repressed parts of our culture, the traumas we've experienced as a group, and the dark aspects of our collective psyche that we would rather ignore than confront.

It's only by acknowledging and examining this collective shadow that we can begin to move forward as a society. And make no mistake, the events of the past few years, from the COVID-19 pandemic to the political upheavals around the world, have brought our collective shadow to the forefront like never before. We can see it in the extreme views and reactions that have emerged in response to these events.

But instead of simply dismissing those with differing views, we must learn to humanize them and approach them with curiosity and compassion. We must realize that even views that seem illogical or repugnant to us may have some kernel of truth that we are overlooking. By examining opposing viewpoints with an open mind, we can begin to unravel the complex web of societal issues that make up our collective shadow.

This process won't be easy, and it won't happen overnight. It will require us to let go of our "us vs. them" mentality and instead cultivate empathy and understanding for those who see the world differently than we do. We must seek out leaders who can navigate these difficult waters, who can understand the underlying issues that contribute to our collective shadow, and who can work towards true, lasting change.

The future of our society rests on our ability to confront and integrate our collective shadow. It's time to stop seeing things in black and white and instead embrace the complexity of our collective psyche. Only then can we move forward with less tension and struggle, and create a better world for us all.


  • Which groups do you find trigger you the most?

    What specific rhetoric triggers you about their position?

    Consider ways to humanize and understand this group. Can you see them as being similar to you in any way?

    Instead of polarizing extremes, what might a middle position look like?

If you have a curiosity to delve deeper into your unconscious mind, I invite you to explore my Akashic readings available on my Etsy shop - Akashic Astrology Shop.

Until next time, stay curious, dear friend.

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