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The Hero's Journey: A Path of Self-Discovery and Universal Understanding

"Myths are first and foremost psychic phenomena that reveal the nature of the soul." -Carl Jung

Every generation deepens our understanding of the complexities of the human psyche. Two of the most influential thinkers in this regard were Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, who developed groundbreaking frameworks for examining the unconscious mind. In particular, Campbell's concept of the "monomyth" and the "Hero's Journey" has had a lasting impact on storytelling and culture.

George Lucas famously drew on Campbell's work when creating the epic Star Wars franchise. But the roots of the Hero's Journey go back even further, to ancient mythology. It was Jung and Campbell who provided the modern understanding and structure we use to analyze these stories today

.Exploring the symbols and themes of stories like Star Wars unlocks the unconscious parts of ourselves, much like dream interpretation. The universal concepts in the story resonate with us on a deeper level, allowing us to recognize the path of our own Hero's Journey.

Personally, I was resistant to watching Star Wars for years, but eventually became hooked. I realized that my avoidance was due to a reluctance to explore the deeper themes and symbols presented in the series. The Hero's Journey, like dream interpretation, unlocks the unconscious parts of ourselves and illuminates universal concepts.

For me, the connection between my own journey and the Hero's Journey became clear after I entered a new phase of my life, going inward and letting go of what no longer served me. Campbell's stages of the Hero's Journey, from the Ordinary World to the Return, resonated with the path I was on.

In this article, we'll explore the 12 stages of the Hero's Journey, as developed by Campbell, and how they relate to Jung's work on the human psyche. We'll see how this archetypal narrative structure can offer profound insights into our own lives and the stories we tell. Whether you are a fan of Star Wars or not, "The Hero's Journey" can provide a valuable tool for understanding your own journey in life.

"The symbols of mythology are not manufactured; they cannot be ordered, invented, or permanently suppressed. They are spontaneous productions of the psyche." Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. 

Embark on an Epic Journey: The 12 Stages of The Hero's Journey


  1. Ordinary World: Imagine catching a glimpse of the hero in their mundane, everyday life. They are just like us, going about their day-to-day in the safety of their familial home. We are reminded of their humble beginnings, which will become important later in the story.

  2. Call To Adventure: Suddenly, everything changes. The hero hears a call to adventure that shatters their sense of safety and security. It might be a village raid or a call from a loved one in distress. Whatever it is, life will never be the same again. The hero must embark on a journey to answer the call.

  3. Refusal Of The Call: The hero may accept the journey, but doubt and fear linger. They may question their ability to handle the challenges ahead or be hesitant to leave the comfort of their home. We feel for the hero, caught between the unknown road ahead and the safety of the familiar.

  4. Meeting The Mentor: The hero can't go it alone. They find a mentor who offers advice, training, or insight. With this support, fear and doubt dissolve, and the hero is ready to face their quest.

  5. Crossing The Threshold: With a newfound strength, the hero embarks on their journey. They are faced with a choice to turn back or move forward, and they choose the latter. The hero is now on their way, come what may.


  1. Tests, Allies, Enemies: Obstacles arise, and the hero must complete each challenge. Along the way, they meet allies who share their own story and opposers who will stop at nothing to derail the hero's journey. We learn more about the hero's strengths and weaknesses and watch them grow in power with each obstacle overcome.

  2. Approach To The Inmost Cave: Danger looms ahead, and the hero can feel it. As they approach the innermost cave, they prepare for the unknown. Doubt and fear resurface, and the audience braces for what's to come.

  3. Ordeal: The hero faces their greatest fear or foe head-on. This trial may be a physical challenge or a deep inner crisis, but the hero must overcome it to move forward. It's in this moment that we see how far the hero has come, and failure means the end of everything.

  4. Reward (Seizing The Sword): The hero has overcome their enemy and claimed their prize, whether it be an object, power, or secret. Emerging from this battle, the hero is transformed and ready to return home.


  • The Road Back: The hero prepares to return home, filled with pride and a sense of accomplishment. But there is one final stage to pass before reaching home: choosing between their personal cause and a higher purpose.

  • Resurrection: The hero's final challenge is a climactic battle that represents much more than just the hero. The outcome will impact the hero's world and the lives of those they left behind. This intense period has the audience on the edge of their seats, as the hero faces their biggest challenge yet.

  • Return With The Elixir: The hero returns home, changed by their journey. They bring hope to those left behind and are ready to start anew. This is a time for self-realization, the end of suffering, and celebration. The hero is vindicated, and a new normal begins.


  • What is it about your favorite Hero's Journey story that resonates with you? How does it reflect your own personal journey or struggles?

  • Reflecting on your life experiences so far, can you identify moments that align with the stages of the Hero's Journey? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

  • In this moment, can you recognize any signs that suggest you are currently on a Hero's Journey? What stage do you feel you are in, and what lessons do you hope to learn as you move forward?

Until next, Stay Curious, my dear friend.