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Decoding the Meanings of Dream Symbols: Exploring the Depths of Your Subconscious

"Carl Jung once said that the dream is a small, hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, opening to a primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was a conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach.

Dreams have a way of bringing to the surface what is buried deep in the subconscious. Some dreams are mundane, while others leave a lasting impact on our consciousness. Keeping a log of your dreams can help you sort through psychological tools, esoteric teachings, symbols, and much more.

I have been journaling my dreams on and off for as long as I can remember. As I dive deep into my inner shadow work, I realize the importance of keeping a log of my journal. One particular dream from 2014 shook me so gravely that I scrambled to find my journal to write it down. The call to action was clear - I had to find out who I was. 

A dream, I Dreamt One Night Long Ago 

My dream begins on the top of a towering sand dune, overlooking a vast and desolate desert. The air is thick with the scent of sand and solitude, and I am completely alone with nothing but miles of tiny grains of sand stretching out before me. It is a stark and eerie landscape that leaves me questioning whether I am dreaming or not.

As I stand there, my heart begins to pound in my chest, and I feel the thrum of its vibration throughout my entire body. Suddenly, a beam of bright white light illuminates me, and in that moment, I am filled with a deep sense of purpose and curiosity. Who am I? What is my place in this world?

As I look out over the horizon, the landscape shifts and transforms into a breathtaking mountain range, stretching as far as the eye can see until it meets the distant ocean. But as I try to take in the beauty before me, the scene blurs and morphs into a screen.

On this screen, I see images of conflict and chaos: bombs exploding, guns firing, blood staining the ground, and bodies lying lifeless. The scenes shift rapidly, taking me on a whirlwind tour of places like Gaza, Ukraine, Syria, South Sudan, Mexico, and Thailand - all hotbeds of conflict and strife.

Despite the darkness of these images, I am transfixed by the stories unfolding before me. The tales of misunderstanding, mistrust, and heroism are powerful and poignant, leaving an indelible impression on my mind.

As the dream fades and I awaken, I am left with a sense of purpose and a desire to understand the world around me. It is a dream that will stay with me, driving me to seek out the truth and to make a difference wherever I can.

The dream’s call to action is clear, it wants me to explore, who am I. 



  • Do you make it a habit to record your dreams on a daily basis?

    Moreover, what are some of the insights and connections you have gained through your dreams?

Consider taking a deeper look at your dreams and exploring the discoveries and connections you can make during dream time. Your subconscious may be trying to communicate something to you that wants to be seen and understood. Until tomorrow, sweet dreams.