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The Power of Synchronicity: How to Embrace Meaningful Coincidences in Your Life

Have you ever experienced a moment where you randomly bumped into an old friend you were just thinking about? Or received a phone call from someone you were just thinking of calling? These types of events are often called coincidences or synchronicities, and they can have a profound impact on our lives.

Synchronicity is a concept that was first introduced by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. He defined it as a meaningful coincidence that occurs without any apparent cause. Essentially, it's when two or more events happen in a way that seems to defy the laws of probability and suggests a deeper connection.

So, how do our personal experiences relate to synchronicity? Simply put, they are the fuel that powers synchronicity. When we are open to the possibility of synchronicity, we create a mindset that allows us to recognize and appreciate these events when they occur.

One way to engage with synchronicity is to pay attention to your intuition. Our intuition is a powerful tool that can guide us towards the people, places, and experiences that are meant for us. When we follow our intuition, we may find that we are led to opportunities or situations that we would never have encountered otherwise.

Another way to engage with synchronicity is to cultivate a sense of gratitude. When we are grateful for the people and experiences in our lives, we create an energy that attracts more positivity and abundance. This can lead to a chain reaction of synchronistic events that enhance our lives in meaningful ways.

So, what are the benefits of engaging with synchronicity? For starters, it can help us feel more connected to the world around us. When we recognize that there are larger forces at work in our lives, we may feel a sense of awe and wonder at the mysteries of the universe.

Synchronicity can also help us feel more confident in our decision-making. When we trust that the universe is guiding us towards our highest good, we may feel more comfortable taking risks and stepping outside of our comfort zones.

Finally, engaging with synchronicity can help us find a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives. When we recognize that there is a larger plan at work, we may feel more motivated to pursue our passions and make a positive impact on the world.

My Experience with Synchronicity

Carl Jung once worked with a client who had an overinflated animus, which resulted in over-reliance on rationality, hindering the reception of messages from the unconscious. According to Jung, "Synchronicity" is "the acausal connection of two or more psychic and physical phenomena." He also described it as "the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect, and that is meaningful to the observer."

In 2013, while working at Indiegogo, I went to visit Tony Heish's Downtown Las Vegas Project with my CEO and colleague, where I first heard of Synchronicity. A woman leading the tour explained how she was experiencing Synchronicity a lot in her life, and how it led her to work with Tony and the Downtown Project. At the time, I didn't give it much thought, as I was caught up in my mundane life.

In 2014, I attended a Rebirth & Renewal Workshop, where I learned about Synchronicity from the teacher of the course, who wrote a book called "Synchronicity: Unlock Your Divine Destiny" in 2016. As part of the course, we were instructed to keep a journal, meditate, and watch for signs based on our intentions. I also started playing with Tarot cards to connect with my inner guidance. Through the Mystery School container, I found myself letting go of old programs that no longer served me, becoming more conscious of external signs and not trying to rationalize them away.

In August 2017, I graduated from The Mystery School with a group of amazing women. At the end of the course, an Eclipse happened in Oregon, and I attended an Eclipse Celebration at Big Summit Prairie with a group of friends. One of my friends and I decided to go through "The Wheel of Fortune," a circular exhibit created by Anne Staveley & Jill Sutherland that featured a circle of doors. I opened the door with certainty and saw a beautiful woman who said, "Congratulations on your death." I had chosen the death card. I assumed it referred to my career changes and noted it in my journal.

At the same event, I met a couple, and the male's name was Ali. I told them that my husband and I planned to have a child one day, and if it were a boy, we would name him Ali. A week later, while meditating in the tub at home, I had a vision of a grandmother coming to visit me. She whispered, "Ka Am Ali." I later found out that the name meant "Come on, Ali." A week after that, I found out I was pregnant with a boy. He was indeed coming into our lives.

Through Synchronicity, I learned to let go of my fears and insecurities and connect with my inner world. I realized that life will always bring challenges, and there is no perfect. Embracing the unknown and allowing it to lead me to new experiences has been transformative.


  • Synchronicity: Fact or Fiction? How do you feel about this concept?

  • Have you ever experienced a moment of synchronicity that left you in awe? We'd love to hear your story!

  • What if your subconscious had a message for you? Are you willing to be open to it?

  • If you could tap into your subconscious mind, what burning question would you ask it?

In conclusion, synchronicity is a powerful force that can enhance our lives in countless ways. By paying attention to our intuition, cultivating gratitude, and staying open to the possibility of meaningful coincidences, we can create a mindset that allows us to fully embrace synchronicity and all of the magic it has to offer.

Until next time, Stay Curious, my dear friend. 

Photo By: Anne Staveley, Wheel of Fortune

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