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Decoding the Meanings of Dream Symbols: Exploring the Depths of the Subconscious a Personal Tale

At the beginning of December 2013, I found myself at a breaking point. I had been feeling lost and stuck in my life, and the weight of my own confusion was starting to feel unbearable. I knew I needed to make a change, but I had no idea how to do it.

That's when I stumbled upon, a website that helps people find groups and events in their area. I started searching for courses and workshops that might help me deal with my existential crisis, and I found two that caught my eye: a Shamanic Drum Journey Class and a Rebirth and Renewal class. Both were being held in Oakland, California, which was a bit of a journey from my home in Redwood City.

Despite the distance, I felt drawn to both courses, and I decided to take a chance and sign up for both. The Shamanic Drum Journey Class was happening that weekend, so I packed a bag and headed to Oakland.

As I sat in the drumming circle, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. The rhythmic beat of the drums seemed to soothe my troubled soul, and I felt a connection to something greater than myself. After the class, I found myself wandering the empty streets of Berkeley, feeling contemplative and a little bit lost.

That's when I stumbled upon a Half-Price Bookstore, and I felt a sudden urge to go inside. As I perused the Self-Help Section, I felt a sense of excitement and possibility. I picked up books by some of the great thinkers of our time, including Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Ken Wilber, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, and Don Miguel Ruiz.

Most of the books resonated with me, but there was one that I just couldn't get into: Sigmund Freud's "The Sexual Enlightenment of Children." I felt repulsed by the subject matter and quickly put the book back on the shelf. Instead, I found myself drawn to the works of Carl Jung, who had been a prized student of Freud's before publicly separating from him due to his disagreements about Freud's focus on sex.

Jung's theories on the human psyche fascinated me, and I found myself devouring his works. I became a student of his teachings and embarked on a journey of self-discovery that would lead me to some of the most profound realizations of my life.

One of Jung's key insights was the idea of Individuation, which states that the psyche is a self-regulating system that seeks to maintain balance and growth. This understanding was a revelation to me, as I had always felt like there was something wrong with me. But Jung's teachings showed me that my inner struggles were part of a natural process of transformation and growth.

Over time, I learned to embrace my polarities and work towards finding balance within myself. I underwent many ego deaths and rebirths, and each time, I emerged stronger and more whole.

Today, as the world faces a new crisis with the COVID-19 pandemic, I find myself once again leaning on the teachings of Carl Jung. I am reminded that even in the darkest of times, there is a light within us that can guide us towards growth and transformation.

If you are struggling with polarization and uncertainty, remember that you are not alone. Your psyche is in the process of transformation, and with time and patience, you will find your way forward.


  • Have you ever faced a moment in your life where you felt completely stuck and unable to move forward? What did you do to overcome it?

  • When you encounter moments of polarization, what techniques have you found helpful in navigating the tension between opposing forces?

  • How has your experience with crisis transformed your approach to personal growth and development?

  • For those currently experiencing a crisis, what advice would you give to help them shift their perspective and move forward?

  • In what ways has exploring the unconscious elements impacting you helped you to better understand and navigate life's challenges?So stay curious, my dear friend, and keep exploring the depths of your own psyche. You never know what insights and revelations you might find along the way. And if you need a little help along the journey, don't hesitate to seek out the wisdom of the great thinkers who have come before us.

If you need help working through this, I am available for Akashic Record Readings on my Etsy Store - Akashic Astrology Shop

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